Monday, February 24, 2020

Strategic Management direction Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Strategic Management direction - Case Study Example This product is known as "Funds Master". Mr. Phillip Hardeep owns the 60 percent of the total share of the company, while the other 40 percent is owned by the internal stakeholders, Ruth Simmons and David Jones, who are also working with Phillip Hardeep in this software company as the main marketing person and software engineer respectively. The additional side product sold by the company is the use of Internet facility wireless card which can be allotted to the customers coming to stay in hotels. The product Funds Master's selling performance was doing fine since the time of the company's establishment, until, its sale started to fall back within the time period of last two years because there is a competitive product in the market that is launched and taken care of by a multinational organization. Mr. Phillip Hardeep fears that the competitive software program of the multinational corporation has affected the sales and reputation of their company's product, "Funds Master"; and has lower down the sales graph of eventually. Now, the main task of this research report is to study and evaluate the strategic management direction for the guidance of the company and its future strategies so that Hardeep software company could improve its performance and position in the competitive marketplace by taking advantage of all those strategic planning, concepts, tools and models. Part#1 - Strategic & Functional Analysis of Hardeep Software Understanding Strategic Management Strategic management is a principle, science and art through which the management of a company implements, formulates, and evaluates cross-functional decisions and enables the organization to achieve its highest targeted and long-term decided objectives. With the help of strategic management, the management of the company successfully specifies its policies, procedures, values, goals, target markets, mission, vision, aims and objectives, plans, projects and programs, roles and responsibilities, timelines, and available resources along with the partner companies or stakeholders. It is considered to be the highest level of managerial activity through which the company determines its current and future position in the marketplace (Lamb, p27, 1984). Understanding Key Dimensions of Strategic Management - Strategic Planning, Strategic Tools & Strategic Models Strategic planning can be considered as the subsidiary branched tool and technique of strategic management which helps the management of the company to perform better and complete the given task with remarkable progress. The main focus of strategic planning is to emphasize on the energy provided to complete a task. Thus, it helps the company and its employees to give-in their best efforts and perform a good job in order to attain the targeted goals and objectives of the company. Strategic planning also assists the organization by guiding the right direction according to the changing environment. In short, strategic planning is a well-planned and disciplined policy or procedure to construct significant assessments and actions that

Saturday, February 8, 2020

The Different Facets of Mental Functioning Essay

The Different Facets of Mental Functioning - Essay Example Cognitive psychology began to distinguish itself from an older branch of psychology, behaviorism, when researchers realized that to study the mind often meant studying processes that could not be directly observed, such as the â€Å"stimulus-response† experiments common to behaviorism.               A central concern of linguists in the cognitive arena is the relationship between language and thought. The linguistic relativity theory, put forth by Benjamin L. Whorf in 1956 states that language either determines thought or influences it heavily. The famous â€Å"Eskimos have 27 words for snow† notion, under relativity, means they perceive snow differently from, say, a Florida resident, and therefore have a more highly developed categorizing system for snow. However, the theory did not take into account that different environments, whether physical or created, may affect how much time and effort people focus on various things, which is then reflected by language. Later studies by Heider-Rosch (1972, 1973, in Eysenck, 1984) on color perception across languages with vastly different color naming systems seem to show that it is thought that determines language. However, there may be some cultural or culturally-based learning differences as evidenced by studies on bilingual individuals.            The central focus, then, of cognitive psychologists is the structure and processes of the mind, which are generally equated with representation (the structures) and computation (the processes), as well as the inclusive dynamic systems process (Braisby & Gellaltly, 2005). Representation deals with what things are about, such as the subject matter of a book -- versus its physical qualities such as molecular structure, weight, and dimensions -- is what the book is about. Computation is how the mind processes information and it is in this area that the mind is most often linked to computers and how they learn. Two major systems of computation have been developed, and supporters argue for the relative importance of them or some interaction of both.